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Part 1 | Settling In



Challenge description:

"You don’t remember much of what happened but the cruise ship sank, your lifeboat broke, and you ended up here. What a lucky life, don’t you think?"

Hi! Welcome to my sims 3 'Midnight Sun Challenge' blog. I'll be showing you my progress as I play this challenge. I know it's a pretty old challenge but I think it's still awesome. I'm playing in the Island Paradise version of the world by the way. I also disabled winter and snow just to make things a bit more realistic. Before we start, I would recommend that you read the challenge rules to get an idea of what this challenge is about. Click the link here. Anyway, let me introduce you to the sim I'll be starting the challenge with.

Here is the sim. Her name is Theresa Collins and her traits are Loves to Swim, Sailor, Loves the Outdoors, Loves the Heat and Angler. I thought these would be useful traits since she is living isolated on an island after all. Her lifetime wish is 'Deep Sea Diver' which means that she wants to master the diving skill and earn 40,000 simoleons from selling diving collectables. She's at the Young Adult life stage.


Currently what I'm trying to do is get her fishing skill up before she goes on holidays to China to meet a potential partner. I might also higher her diving skill a bit too. This is just so that when she comes back she won't be completely clueless. There really isn't a huge rush to go off to China anyway. As long as she meets a partner sometime in her adulthood, everything will be fine.

Time for some scuba diving!

Also, here's her crappy little setup for now.

Got some great glitches happening already.

Time for some rest.


So, the aim for today is to get Theresa higher in her scuba diving skill and maybe fishing skill.

Rise and shine.

And there's that lovely glitch again... I think we'll be seeing this one a lot.

Breakfast time! Yeah, it's not like she could use the table or anything...

But she puts the plate on the table after she's done. Oh, and after that she decides to go through the floor. I really do wonder about this sim...

I mean, really? You're going to walk through the sand too?

Time for an early morning swim... in her pyjamas.

Random raccoon...

Theresa is now level 3 in scuba diving! She's also finding a few collectables.

I have a feeling this raccoon is going to be here a while.

And a magical deer has appeared! Is that you, Bambi?

She's level 4 in scuba diving now so I think I'll call it a night for Theresa.


Today we'll just be working on Theresa's fishing skill. That's about it.

Another day...

YAY! She's actually sitting at the table! This is a big moment!

He's still there...

She's got a tan now and is currently working on her fishing skill. She's caught a few so far.

And the paparazzi have finally started showing up. Delete!

Ah, that's better.

It's started to rain so I think it's time to call it a night. She got to level 4 in fishing and caught quite a lot though!


Today I'll have Theresa head off to China. I know I said we weren't in a huge rush, but she's starting to feel lonely and I think finding a partner in China will definitely fix that.

Off to China we go!

She's swimming to China...


So, our aim for the first day of this holiday is to find a man to marry, simple as that. She doesn't necessarily need to marry today, but just sometime on the holiday.

Well here she is! Don't ask me how she swam to China.

Also, here are a few pics of China that I took.

We're going on a man hunt!

Why hello there! Do you have any men in this household that would be willing to marry me within the next 3 days?

Man detected.

Well, their signs are compatible but apparently he has a wife and a child so...

Yeah, buh-bye!

We're going on a man hunt again!

Knock knock. Any single men home?

Yes, a man! Now please don't be married...

He's single! We're getting married! Now what's his name?

We haven't even known him for a day but hey, whatever, right?

And we're engaged!

A ring for you...

And a ring for you...

And we're married! He got us a crap ton of money by the way. Around the 40,000 simoleons mark.

Back to base camp!

Now, time for some baby making!

And she's pregnant!

And our new husband just peed himself...?

What a romantic meal...

Their first night together.


Our goal for today will be to get Theresa's husband to learn the fishing skill and to improve Theresa's current level. I don't really have much else planned for them today. 

By the way, let me introduce her new husband. His name is Bao. He is a Workaholic, Brave, Handy, Artistic and Lucky. He's level 4 in the logic skill, level 9 in athletic skill and level 10 in the martial arts skill. Those are some pretty amazing traits and skill levels if you ask me, but maybe some of them not so much while living on an island.

I found some this pretty lake in China for them to go fishing in for today. I inspected the water and there's a lot of fish here too.

And Bao has decided to join us.

There are paparazzi here too... They never leave.

It's getting dark and these two are getting all tired and hungry so I'll have them go back to base camp now. Overall, Bao got to level 4 in fishing and Theresa got to level 6, so it was a fairly successful day.

Wow... I didn't think they could have a dinner any more romantic than last night's, but I was wrong.

Time for bed. I'd say that things are going pretty well for my sims so far.


Today's the last day of their holiday, so they will probably just enjoy it by going on another fishing trip. This one might be a bit shorter this time though, since they both slept late.

Sleeping in.

Breakfast at midday. Also, don't ask me why they feel the need to sit as far away from each other as possible. Quick update on the 'pregnancy'. Theresa doesn't seem to be pregnant, even though I heard the baby noise after they tried for a baby. She hasn't felt nauseous or anything, so maybe pregnancies don't work on holidays in The Sims 3. I'll have them try again when they get back from their holiday.

I found a decent place for them to go fishing. Here it is.

Also, the one time that they decide to be romantic is while fishing? Oh well, I guess that could be romantic... if the smell of raw fish makes you think of love.

That puts an end to their trip then. To sum it all up, Theresa got married to some random guy called Bao because... well... he was single? They did some fishing together and now they're going to have a child together hopefully.


Theresa and Bao are home! Today my only goals are to make them a house (since they are on a small lot we have to build up and not out) with the new money that marrying Bao got us and to get Theresa pregnant.

Not this glitch again...

Well, here's a few shots of the house that I managed to make. It's nothing amazing but it's got everything that they need.

The raccoon has a new friend in the form of a stray cat.

Now, time to get some babies! I heard the baby noise so hopefully this time things will work out. Quick side note: I forgot a dining table, so I just added one of those in.

Well, we didn't really get to do any fishing today, but that's fine by me since we now have a baby on the way and a decent home.

And some nausea to finish off the day.

And some more...


Today it's Leisure Day (not that that effects them at all on this island) I'll have Bao and Theresa do their usual fishing. I'm trying to work them towards mastering that since it will be a main source of income for them and their future family on this island. 

Poor Theresa...

Good morning you two.

Bao is working on his fishing while lazy Theresa is sleeping in.

Here she is!

Not again...

Theresa found out that she's pregnant and is in her maternity clothes now!

Bao's already tired. He got to level 5 in fishing today, so he's half way there!

So that means some lonesome night fishing for Theresa... with some weird girl in the background playing on her laptop.


Today will just be another relaxed day. We'll be keeping an eye on Theresa to see how her pregnancy is going and I'll have the couple do some more fishing as usual.

Theresa has been up pretty much all night fishing, so she can go get some rest.

As for Bao, he can fish like there's no tomorrow until... tomorrow.

Stray cat is having a furious battle with something my game just can't find the strength to load. Yeah, you kill that something!

Creepy laptop girl is now nowhere to be found.

Theresa's pregnancy is moving along nicely.

Stray cat and raccoon are really developing a relationship.

Finally Theresa is going to go do some fishing.

That will be enough for Bao today. 

Theresa's just going to go fishing on her own again, this time without creepy laptop girl.

Overall, we had some good progress today. Bao got to level 6 in fishing and Theresa got to level 8.


Today or tomorrow I'm expecting the baby to be born. Then Theresa will be Mother Teresa. Heh. Ahem... Anyway, I might get Theresa to work on her scuba diving and Bao to work on some artwork (since if you remember from before, he has the Artistic trait). Let's get into it!

Theresa eventually went to bed to get some rest.

Bao's up and is ready to start some artwork for today.

And the baby is coming! Home birth or hospital birth? Oh wait... we're deserted on an island. Well, home birth it is. Also, nevermind about that scuba diving now I guess.

Bao literally couldn't give two craps about the fact that his wife is giving birth right now.

It's a boy! I decided to call him Lyle. The name means 'the island' or 'from the island' which I thought was quite fitting. I randomised his traits and he got Artistic and Heavy Sleeper, which aren't terrible traits. Hooray!

Dropped that baby weight in 2 seconds flat.

This baby is really cute though.

Bao hasn't even looked at his newborn child, he's too busy painting this weird pink house. 

Theresa will just spend the remainder of the day with Lyle to build up their relationship a bit and to keep him happy.

Bao has finished his weird painting and is now at level 3 of the painting skill.

After the day socialising with her new son they are now at the good friend relationship status which I'm quite happy with for now.

After all that I just had Bao and Theresa go to sleep together.

Of course they got woken up by Lyle at some point.


Whether you cringed into oblivion at my terrible jokes or were asking yourself why the heck you decided to read this, I hope you all enjoyed and will stay tuned for the next part. Sorry for any minor mistakes. Although it might not seem like it, this wasn't quick to make so I can't promise that I'll be able to get parts out daily or anything like that. However, I'll always try to get parts out as quickly as I can. My guess is that I might be able to get one of these parts out every few days or so, but we'll see I guess. Each part will consist of 1 sim week and any time spent on holidays or at university will be separate from that. So if one of my sims goes on holiday for example (like in this part), that time spent on the holiday will be an extra and I will still show the full sim week on the island too. Hope all of that made sense, and thanks for reading.


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