It's already Sunday again, which means a new sim week and a whole bunch of new things to do. We're currently on week 8 and it's actually fall time here on the isle. Last week Bao passed on which was pretty sad but at least it was of old age. We'll be getting ghost visits from both him and Theresa now which will be pretty fun. The kids are on their own now though, and the twins are ageing up into Young Adults in this part so look out for that. Straight into the part now!
The kids spent all of yesterday recovering so today I'll try to ease them back into their hobbies a bit. They're currently all sleeping, besides the cat who's up playing.
I emptied out Bao's room since it was no longer necessary. We will be using it in the future, but for now it will just be a spare room with no particular purpose. We're at 26,201 simoleons now because of selling all of that room's furniture.
Ginger gained the Non-Destructive trait which I'm very pleased with.
Isla's taking care of her bird and then going straight back to sleep.
Just a quick cat nap for Ginger while she's waiting for everyone to get up.
Lyle's the first person awake for the rest pf the day so far. He's getting some breakfast and then working on his guitar skill.
My game notified me that it's almost Marina and Isla's birthdays, so they're very close now.
Marina's woke up and is just about finished up with her breakfast too so it's time for her to learn some more cooking.
Marina learned the basics of cooking thankfully.
I'm getting Isla to take the aptitude test to see if we could get any scholarships or extra credits from her current skills.
She would get 18 credits from Science & Medicine so I suppose that will be what she majors in. She's eating some breakfast now while Marina's playing with the cat.
Marina got 913 simoleons from book royalties this week, although she hasn't been writing much lately.
Quick side note: I'm uninstalling Register because it's actually been spawning even more sims than we used to get on this island.
Marina's playing with the cat and Isla's cleaning the house up for today.
Back to cooking for Marina while the cat's outside taking a nap in the rain for whatever reason.
It's about 5:00 PM now and Isla's almost finished cleaning the place up. She might do some fishing afterwards.
Marina's level 2 in cooking now and approaching level 3.
She's level 3 now and Isla's out fishing looking for some perfect fish.
It's dinner time for Marina and she's heading to sleep after that.
I gave Lyle a new bed just because I was scared that old bed would shut on him one day.
Isla and Lyle have gone to bed now and the cat's just using her scratching post.
It was a good day to start off the week. Maybe tomorrow they'll all get a bit more done though.
Today we're really getting down to business with their guitar, cooking and fishing because tomorrow the twins are ageing up and that will be pretty time consuming.
Ginger has fleas so she's in a pretty crappy mood. I put a bathtub out in the hallway for Marina to give her a flea bath once she wakes up.
Isla's giving her bird some attention before she gets some breakfast and goes fishing for the day. It's only 3:00 AM right now so she has a long day ahead of her.
You do know that your bed is right there...
Flea bath time.
Just drying off now and then they're done.
It's a bit of a chilly morning.
Lyle's up playing his guitar at about 7:00 AM now.
Cooking for Marina like yesterday.
Time for some breakfast. Things are brightening up a bit outside too.
Marina got to level 4 in cooking. She's progressing well with this.
I changed Isla's lifetime wish to 'Surrounded by Family' which means that she now wants to raise 5 children from babies to teeenagers. I realised that there aren't actually 13 different types of fish for her to find in the Isle of the Midnight Sun world, so I paid 10,000 lifetime happiness points to change her wish to something actually possible here.
Isla's grabbing some dinner now before she heads to sleep.
Marina's ready for bed too.
Lyle's staying up just a bit longer.
Lyle got to level 9 in guitar! He's super close to mastering it now and therefore achieving his lifetime wish.
I purchased Inheritance with Lyle's lifetime happiness points, but that will be the last time I do so. Realistically, if they'd inherited both Bao and Theresa's parents' money, that would be the last money they would get from off the island. Everyone else will be born on the island and therefore automatically inherit their parents' money anyway if that makes any sense. We're at 61,899 simoleons now (we earned 34,985 simoleons from Inheritance), so I'm going to upgrade the houseboat a bit.
Spare room.
Marina and Isla's rooms.
Lyle's room.
I know that it looks pretty weird right now but after university I'll change up some of the rooms. They still have 27,524 simoleons left so there's plenty of money to buy more later.
Lyle's grabbing a tofu dog before he heads to sleep. It's about 10:00 PM.
These new futuristic elevators are pretty cool.
Today was quite a success. We have a newly upgraded houseboat, Marina's at level 4 in cooking, Lyle's at level 9 in guitar and Isla's got a new lifetime wish.
Today's the day! Isla and Marina will be ageing up into Young Adults which means that all the kids will be eligible heirs/heiresses as of today. I don't think anyone had a preference over who will become heir, so I'm picking Isla. She now has a family related lifetime wish, so it makes sense. We're sending Isla off to university this time around rather than a holiday just because it will be a new experience. Maybe our next heir will go on holidays instead? On with the day then.
Maybe making the house glass wasn't a good idea...
Still playing on that old laptop, huh?
Breakfast at 3:00 AM. Isla's up next.
Got to chat with her bird first of course.
Back to cooking for Marina.
She got to level 5 in cooking! She's half way to the top now. When Isla goes to university maybe she can buy some recipes for her there.
Isla's just checking the weather. It's going to be pretty rainy all week.
It's almost 7:00 AM and Lyle's up playing his guitar. By the way, these elevators are super fast. They just zoom down to the ground floor in an instant which will definitely be a time saver.
Ginger gained the Neat trait. So far she hasn't been gaining any bad traits.
Time for Marina's birthday!
Well here she is then! She definitely looks the most like Theresa out of all the kids. She developed the Schmoozer trait. Her other traits are Loves the Outdoors, Genius, Animal Lover and Ambitious.
Isla's turn!
This is what she looks like. She unfortunately developed the Absent-Minded trait which is going to be very annoying to play with. However, her other traits include Good Sense of Humour, Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian and Good.
Ginger developed the Adventurous trait.
Isla's new everyday outfit, hair and makeup.
Isla's having fun with her bird for a little while before she heads off to university.
Back to guitar for Lyle.
These two are just playing. I'll change Marina's outfits after university. I did give her some new hair and makeup though.
Marina actually made some gourmet fish pet food for Ginger at one point, which she's filling her food bowl with now.
This cat had better not eat Isla's bird while she's gone...
Off to university she goes!
Isla's here on her first day. Our only goal for today is just to meet someone that catches Isla's eye. She's majoring in Science & Medicine. She got 18 extra credits from her mastering fishing and we paid for 18 credits too. She's staying here for 1 term (1 week). Class starts tomorrow
Here's Isla at university! I rented her a little house here. It was only a little over 100 simoleons to rent for our whole time here.
Here's what it's like inside. I placed the skeleton model on the porch.
She's heading over to a dorm to meet someone.
Here's the dorm.
This is the guy I wanted her to meet. He has blue hair which is kind of cool, and if he's not a complete jerk then maybe he's boyfriend material? We just learned that he is single, and he took a joke that she made pretty well so he must not have the No Sense of Humour trait.
He's a Scorpio and apparently their signs are compatible.
He's already graduated with a Science & Medicine degree, so maybe he can give Isla some tips.
He's Artistic, so him and Lyle might get along.
After telling him a few jokes and showing him some videos he's now our friend.
He thinks that Isla's being extremely irresistible after some flirting and he's her good friend now.
He's now her romantic interest! They're going on a date soon where they might have their first kiss.
I took them out to the coffee shop to get to know each other a bit.
They went outside to get some privacy and shared their first kiss.
He's now her boyfriend!
Isla's boyfriend is a rainbow umbrella person!
They're getting some dinner at SimBurger.
Now they're just watching the stars before I end the date.
They finished their date up and Isla's heading back home now. He enjoyed the date and wants to have another soon. She's heading home to bed now.
Isla's first night here at university.
That's her first day over then. Tomorrow might be pretty hectic with getting to her first classes and everything.
Today the goal is to do well in classes and maybe talk to Cid (her boyfriend) afterwards.
It's 6:00 AM and she's up. She's got to be ready for class in 2 hours.
Some cereal before she heads off to class.
Dashing to class with her backpack. It's almost 8:00 AM now.
She's working hard in class today.
She's got 2 hours to kill now after that class so she's just texting Cid.
She's just donating her plasma for 100 simoleons and then heading to class.
She just fainted after her last class for the day because of a lack of blood.
She got up and Cid actually called her so they're just chatting for the moment.
Some bread and jam for dinner.
She's showering up before bed.
Today was pretty good, but she didn't get to do much besides classes.
Today she only has one class which is awesome. She can head out for a study date with Cid maybe, since it would be good to get her grades up.
She's grabbing some yoghurt before her class at 8:00 AM.
Time for a lecture...
She's asking a question or two but mostly just taking notes.
The lecture's over now and she's calling up Cid to ask him to The Grotto.
They're here and they're just chatting a bit before they head inside to study a bit.
Here they are studying.
Just a chill day for these guys.
He sort of ditched Isla but she's still studying from her phone.
Apparently it was a bad date and that was Isla's fault, yet he was the one who ditched her! She's just eating away her sorrows with a bagel now.
Heading back home on her bike now. She doesn't seem too disappointed about the date since she actually got some serious studying done today.
She just showered and she's going to sleep the night away...
Besides the date going terribly it was a pretty good day for studying. Her grades/performance metre are doing way better than they were before because of today.
Today she has 3 classes again so that means another hectic day! I think she's just going to skip out on talking to Cid today after what he pulled yesterday.
She's feeling a little ill today, but hopefully that will go away before finals. Anyway, she just made some waffles which got her to level 1 in cooking but she has no time to eat them since she's heading off to class now.
She's working hard in class again today.
She did bring the waffles with her in her inventory though, so she's just enjoying them now before her next class.
Back in class for now.
She's just dashing to the bathroom before her last class for the day.
It's pretty handy that they have one here somewhat near her classrooms.
Last class for today is underway thankfully. She's really tired so she'll be happy to get out of there. She's actually friends with her teacher now because of all of her sucking up in class. I'm hoping that'll pay off at some point.
Time to head home now.
Cid's at our door, but we were actually trying to get some sleep. I guess we'll get up to see what he wants. We weren't planning on talking to him today, but oh well.
After a bit of flirting it looks like the bad date's just water under the bridge now. Isla's asking him to stay the night.
He accepted, and things are starting to get a little heated.
It looks like he doesn't actually want to WooHoo, but he's fine with just making out... I don't know what's up with him, but Isla doesn't have time for this. She's just going to bed and he can do whatever he wants.
Well that was rather anticlimactic, but whatever. Maybe he just didn't feel like it tonight. Their relationship is on full, so he probably just wasn't in the mood.
Besides all that, I'm pretty hopeful for her final grade after today. Her performance is just going up and up which is really awesome. Although having a degree won't actually help on the island, it's just a nice achievement to have.
Today Isla's only got one class which is a nice change from yesterday's madness. Other than that we might get Isla to study a bit and maybe go on a not so terrible date like the last one.
He's finally decided to get some sleep too. He probably won't be up until midday though.
Well it looks like he's up earlier than I thought he'd be. Also, the sun tattoo needs to go.
Isla's ready to shower up and get herself some leftover waffles from yesterday.
Or not... Class time already. She showered at least, but she might have to bring the waffles with her like yesterday for after class.
He's heading to class as well.
Today's kind of a chill class, so she can just eat breakfast and then start working.
She had 2 plates of waffles and she's still hungry! This has got to be some glitch, so I just removed the hungry moodlet.
Removing the moodlet didn't help since it just came back. That's 3 plates now! Isla should get into competitive eating or something...
Finally her hunger bar is going up! This is her sixth plate now! I believe that the glitch might be something to do with the Absent-Minded trait, but maybe I'm wrong.
She's chatting on the phone with Cid now that 'class' is over.
She asked Cid out to the B's Bowlarama on a date. I think some bowling and then maybe a movie will be a fun date for them.
Isla's turn first.
Cid's turn now.
Nice job, Cid...
Isla's looking very determined...
And she failed miserably too.
Looks like he did better this time around.
They're off to see a movie now called Corduroy Sunglasses. It's about 5:00 PM.
Apparently it was a great indie movie, which has put Isla in a good mood.
Isla's kissing him goodbye now. She needs to get home and study for finals tomorrow!
Their third date turned out great! Back home we go now.
She's getting some green salad for dinner. I would've had them eat out if I'd known she was hungry... She did actually make some mac and cheese (which got her to cooking level 2 by the way), but it came out burnt so she's eating this instead.
She's actually way too tired to study now, so let's just hope she does well in finals tomorrow I guess.
That was a nice day in terms of fun, but not such a great day for studying. Hopefully because she had fun today she won't be stressed out in the exams tomorrow and she'll do better. Who knows?
It's finals day! I've really just got to hope that she does okay today. I guess whatever happens it won't matter too much, since the degree won't be of any use to us anyway. I would rather not deal with any bad moodlets though...
Today's the day...
Ice cream for breakfast to ease the nerves.
Off to exams... Let's see how this goes.
Run, run, run!
She's trying hard, so hopefully that will be enough.
She passed with flying colours! One exam down, 2 to go.
Time for some celebratory streaking first though! Let's just hope that no professors see this... That could be kind of awkward...
That's enough streaking then. On to the next exam!
She was able to try hard for a little while but now she's too stressed out to so she's relying on her friendship with the teacher mainly for this one.
She passed her second exam with flying colours too! She's going really well so far.
Just some last minute studying for the next one.
Last exam here we come! Let's hope she nails this one too.
She nailed all three of them! She even got on the Dean's List!
Some brain freeze a la mode for dinner and then she's going to sleep after her fantastic work today.
The creepy ice cream truck is here to congratulate us...
This random guy also showed up at our door, but Isla's not talking to either of them.
Bed time for Isla then.
I'm pretty surprised that she passed all 3 of the exams with flying colours. I was honestly expecting her to fail some, but she did really well (partly thanks to the professor and partly thanks to her).
I think it's Isla's last day here at university, so she's probably going to head to the bookstore and grab any books that they couldn't get back home. Other than that, a nice date with Cid will be a good way to wrap up our first trip to university.
Some pancakes for breakfast to celebrate how well she did on finals day.
She just received her report card over breakfast. She got an A!
Heading on over to the bookstore...
She ended up buying all of the recipe books besides Ambrosia, which Marina will be thrilled about. It was pretty pricey though, putting us down to 16,089 simoleons. We're going to use those recipe books all throughout the challenge though, so I'm fine with it.
Isla and Cid are just spending some time at the quad together with this grumpy old man in the background.
She's now proclaiming her love for him on the speaker...
They're taking a romantic photo together.
They're just touring the university together a bit now.
They're taking a night time swim together at the pool to wrap up the date.
Including a hold breath contest of course (which Isla wins) and a lot of splashing.
It was a great fourth date and Isla's travelling home now. Not to her little university home this time though, back to her real home.
It's been a good day and a good time overall at university. I'm not sure if we'll go back or not, but it's likely she will in the future just to finish off her degree.
After all that time spent at university, it's a little weird going back home now, but nice too.
Her siblings are right here at the front door to greet her.
Isla's inviting Cid over to stay at the houseboat.
He accepted and will arrive at 9:00 AM tomorrow. In the mean time, Lyle's playing his guitar and Isla's going to say hi to her bird.
Marina's new everyday dress.
I realised that no one in this household right now is handy at all, so Marina can try to learn the skill for now.
This is why you should never randomise traits... Your sims turn out like this.
Some dinner for Marina and Lyle before he goes back to his guitar and she starts reading those cooking books that Isla bought her.
Isla's trying to teach her bird some songs. She needs some food though, so she can try again after dinner.
Marina learned to make chilli con carne and fruit parfait.
She also learned to make vegetarian fish and chips and vegetarian chilli.
The bird's getting sick of this so Isla's heading to bed now.
She learned mushroom omelette, fish and chips and cookies. Two more recipes and then she can go to bed too.
She learned more than 28 recipes and therefore completed the Menu Maven skill challenge which means that she now cooks higher quality food.
Laptop girl still comes here.
Lyle and Marina are asleep now.
Well, that was an awesome day! Isla's got her future spouse coming over tomorrow, Marina's getting great at cooking and learning new recipes by the minute, and Lyle's slowly getting closer to mastering guitar and completing his lifetime wish.
Cid's coming over today, so hopefully we can move things along with him and Isla so that he can join us on the island in order to produce the next generation. If everything goes to plan, then generation 3 will be on it's way soon. This is a 5 generation challenge if you remember, so this might only take 2-3 months overall to complete.
Someone's decided to haunt the table lamp.
Theresa, of course...
Cid's here! She's just inviting him inside while Lyle gets some breakfast. Marina's still sleeping.
They're starting to get a little flirty.
And Lyle's setting the mood with some music...
She's proposing!
And he happily accepted.
And here's their private wedding.
So now he's moved in!
He's a Young Adult with the Loner, Handy, Hot-Headed, Avant Garde and Artistic traits. Both the Handy and Artistic trait will be useful here on this island, so I'm pretty happy with that.
I've moved Isla and Cid to the top floor of the house and Lyle's room is now where Isla's old room was. They're trying for their first baby now!
She's pregnant! I kind of hope that the baby's hair turns out blue, because that would be everything.
Gave Cid a slight makeover. I didn't change his hair much but his outfits are new now.
He's going to get into sculpting as his hobby. I'm getting a little sick of the painting skill at the moment so some sculpting might change things up a bit.
Isla's grabbing some late lunch before she goes fishing to make some cash. They're at 13,262 simoleons right now.
Marina just became best friends forever with Ginger.
Marina's preparing some ratatouille.
He made a chair worth 17 simoleons. I'm just putting it out front since it's so cheap anyway.
Another sculpture.
She's learned the cheesesteak and firecracker shrimp recipes now.
Some dinner for Cid until he goes to bed.
Okay, Lyle. Great way to end off the day.
That's it for now then. Marina learned some more recipes and cooked a little, Lyle continued with his guitar skill, Isla went back to some fishing and Cid learned how to sculpt.
Today I'm hoping for Isla to find out that she's pregnant, but other than that I just want everyone to continue on with what they were doing yesterday.
Marina's the only one up at this time. She's taking care of Ginger for a bit until she heads to sleep too.
Isla's starting to become nauseous from the pregnancy.
A 6:00 AM snack for Isla before she gets back to sleep.
She's going to bed while he sculpts.
He got to level 3.
His newest sculpture is worth 42 simoleons. I don't really know where to put it so I'm just selling it instead.
Level 4 already!
Still hasn't mastered this...
Marina's up. Back to recipe learning and cooking for her.
She's still really excited about being married...
Back to teaching this bird how to sing.
The bird now knows how to sing. She's going to teach it greetings now.
Cid just sculpted this wooden table worth 144 simoleons. Selling this one too.
Isla just found out that she's pregnant! I want this to be her first child of many, so I'm getting her Fertility Treatment.
Marina got to level 6 in cooking and Isla somehow learned the basics of charisma from talking to a bird...
So apparently it's a decent seat, since Marina went to go read some recipe books on it.
Back to eating huge slices of cake...
Sculpting level 5 now! He's really working hard at this skill.
Isla just taught her bird greetings! She's good friends with her bird now. I feel like we should name it, but I have no idea what to call it.
I just decided to call the bird Red since it has red tail feathers.
Here's this ugly barstool that he made worth 116 simoleons somehow.
Cid's starting his first ever ice sculpture now.
Isla's pregnant so she needs her rest. She's going to sleep now.
Here are Lyle and Marina's rooms for anyone who's curious.
Our first real ghost visit from Bao! Lyle's just chatting with him.
Marina's gone to bed after all her cooking.
Cid's gotten to level 6 in sculpting.
I'm pretty pleased with how today went, and I'm super excited for the future baby especially. I'll have to start thinking of some names...
We're getting close to the end of the week again. I'm not really sure if the baby will be born this week or next week, but we'll definitely find out soon enough.
He's about to take the first bite of some grilled cheese... Once he's finished that up he's heading to sleep with his wife. Ghost Bao and Lyle are still just chatting away.
Well never mind, because Isla's already up and ready to start her day at 4:30 AM.
Wow, thanks for haunting our pet bed Bao. Real helpful of you. These ghosts just do whatever they want and they can get away with it...
The cat needs some attention before Marina goes back to sleep.
Lyle's asleep now.
Isla's just making the most of her fishing skills for today.
Sharing some lunch with a nice rainbow in the background. Marina got up a little earlier than I expected she would, but she can go back to cooking now I suppose.
Back to guitar for Lyle and sculpting for Cid once they're done eating.
Lyle is at level 10 in the guitar skill now and the painting skill! He's completed his lifetime wish now which was to become a Master of the Arts. I purchased 'Extra Creative' lifetime reward for him, which makes his paintings better, the 'No Bills Ever' for Marina, and the 'Hover Bed' for Isla. Lyle got enough points for his reward because of fulfilling his lifetime wish and the girls had theirs saved up, so I just decided to spend all of them.
Here's the new hover bed.
Lyle's finally back to painting! This will be a great new source of income for us that kind of stopped before while we were getting him to master guitar.
Cid's ice sculpture is finally finished. It certainly took a while to make, but it's worth 199 simoleons which is pretty good.
Marina made some vegetarian fish and chips for her sister which pushed her over to level 7 of cooking.
Isla's going to get some rest while her husband works on a new sculpture.
That's today done and over with. Looking at Isla's belly right now, I'd say that it's likely the kid will be born tomorrow. I'm glad that Lyle finished his lifetime wish though, since that's one thing I won't have to worry about anymore. Now he can just give us a nice consistent source of income with his paintings.
It's Saturday yet again, and the baby will most likely be born today! We already have a full nursery set up, so I'd say we're prepared. Other than that, the normal skill building will take place.
Of course he had to go and break this... At least he's Handy.
She managed to make some nice firecracker tofu.
Cid learned the basics of handiness. On with his sculpture now.
She's ready to sleep now.
Here's Lyle's first holographic painting, I believe. It got us up to 14,660 simoleons in household funds.
The newest sculpture is finished. It's worth 74 simoleons and it's made of clay.
They seem to like this new hover bed.
Lyle's also sleeping now.
Well for some reason we're still getting bills even after I purchased the 'No Bills Ever' lifetime reward, so that was a complete waste.
Marina's up making some desserts.
Cid seems to enjoy them so far.
New wood sculpture for Cid to make.
Some raspberry cobbler for these guys.
The baby is coming! I've decided on some names, but let's see how this goes...
Her siblings seem pretty chill about the whole situation... And her husband isn't even here.
Here's baby Dane! He's a boy of course and when I randomised his traits I got Loner and Eccentric, which aren't the worst traits ever I suppose. Maybe he can be an inventor when he gets a little older?
Already back to fishing...
Cid's at sculpting level 7 now.
Lyle's just painting the exact same thing again.
And Marina's making burnt food at her skill level in cooking... This shouldn't still be happening.
Only 6:00 PM and Marina's already drifting off to sleep.
Cid made the same exact table as before... My sims really are not that creative. At least it's worth 186 simoleons.
Ahhh... I've gotten far too used to babies not crying every minute of the day.
Cid's making something new and Isla took care of Dane, their newborn.
So that was 2 whole sim weeks! One at university and one back home. It was a pretty crazy fortnight with ageing up, university and then a new birth all in one. We're onto the third generation now which I'm really happy with. It normally takes me way longer to get to that point in my game. Great progress in my opinion!
I can't believe that part 8 is finally finished... I have been finding it a little hard to get these parts out in 3 days at a time, and I really had to delay it this week because of just about doubling the normal size of the post. It probably turned out too long in the end, but I hope that it was somewhat enjoyable to read nevertheless. Sorry for any little mess ups, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next part!